A consortium of partners across the region have formed ‘Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Impact’ chiefly funded by Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority as part of their Market Towns Programme, working with Social Enterprise East of England (SEEE) and Cambridge City Council with a contribution from the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
The consortium consists of Support Cambridgeshire (Hunts Forum and Cambridge Council for Voluntary Service (CCVS)) and Peterborough Council for Voluntary Service (PCVS) which will deliver 1-1 support, networking events and set up peer support for sustainability and growth beyond the end of the project; and Cambridgeshire ACRE (Action for Communities in Rural England) which will support rural community not-for-profit organisations that are trying to establish community-led businesses.
The project is led by Allia who will coordinate a group of partners to provide support across the region, as well as delivering its proven ‘Start Your Business’ and ‘Grow Your Business’ programmes. These deliver targeted support for those who have an idea to get a new social venture off the ground as well as those more established businesses that want to grow. Networking events, mentoring and workshops will also be available.
The programme will support a range of impact organisations from charities and community organisations through to social enterprises and social impact businesses as well as start-ups that have a defined social purpose. Between September 2023 and March 2024, the programme will deliver to 122 or more organisations through structured programmes of business support, expert sessions and one-to-one support, plus mentoring, networking and a community of practice.
Allia’s programmes have already launched, with a range of different organisations and entrepreneurs signing up to gain coaching, advice and direction, to help them start or grow their social impact ventures.
Deb Lee, Managing Director of SEEE commented;
“SEEE is working with the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority with the aim of strengthening the wider support system for socially minded groups and businesses whilst also developing a pipeline of future social enterprise initiatives. We’re really excited about the difference this joined-up thinking is already making and look forward to seeing the impact the different partner organisations can make for people in the region thanks to this intensive period of funding and support from the Combined Authority”, .
For more information about the programmes, and the range of support available to social impact organisations, please go to:
- Allia’s Start Your Business programme, click here
- Alli’s Grow Your Business programme, click here