CDS Essex have scooped yet another award winning Excellent Customer Focus in the Essex Business Awards.
The Essex team became part of CDS in 2016 and since then has undergone radical transformation reducing waiting times for general anaesthetic (GA), enabling more patients to be seen, including over 1000 children. Through this time of transition, patient satisfaction rates of 98% have been achieved in friends and family survey.
This award comes on the back of significant investment in training, review of skill mix to provide the best opportunities for patients and working closely with charities and voluntary organisations to better understand how to care for patients with additional needs. This has included special awareness sessions, roadshows with the CDS mobile dental clinic and focus groups with patients and family carers. Significant changes have been made to the service including streamlining of domiciliary care to treat more patients and increase in sedation training to enable more patients to be treated under sedation reducing the need for general anaesthetic referral.
Lorraine Mattis, Essex Operations Director said: ‘We are thrilled to have won this award! As a team, we have worked so hard to improve the care we provide for patients against a background of the need for very significant service transformation. This award, combined with the excellent patient feedback we receive demonstrate that we have achieved this successfully. Everyone of our team has played a part and we share a huge sense of pride’.